

The new Klorane product combines self-care and beauty, by placing on the one hand a thorough botanical research, and on the other the innovation of the most modern cosmetics. Such characteristics as ethics, naturalness, effectiveness, well-being, preservation, tradition of research, and much more, find a new configuration in an event studied ad hoc.


The FeelFine Team analyzed the new Klorane product, main object of these events, to be able to “extrapolate” the fundamental characteristics and thus be able to reflect the identity of the product in every constituent element of the event: location, gadgets, entertainment, set-up, film and graphic.

The Key Factor

The new product: quinine and caffeine Historicity of the brand and naturalness of the elements present in all ranges of Klorane products.

The Result

We organized 4 events in prestigious locations: Venice, Rome, Milan, and Palermo. In all the cities we “built” the launch of the product inserted in real shows. We took full care of the following aspects: creating a spot in Animatic, the graphics and the choice of paper on which the invitations had to be printed, the reminder for the participants, the scenography and technical setting up of the meeting room. An all-round creative and technical direction, which culminated in Capoeira performances by a 12-element ballet company. The descriptive menus and dishes have been studied involving the chefs of each location.


When your solution is Feelfine